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                                                  Available puppies    European basset puppies  we have basset puppies   puppies   basset puppies  available basset puppies  european basset hound puppies

Our pups are sired/damed by champions whose lines have been tested for Thrombopathia, MPS1, Glaucoma and now Lafora.  These lines have been healthy and we have put much time and effort into making sure they stay healthy.  They have earned their champion titles proving that they meet the standard of the breed. Full AKC to serious show homes only along with us co-owning.  We keep a few pups back for show prospects, and then take deposits on remaining pups for pet homes.  Our pups are very high quality and are all priced the same, as the quality does not change just because a pup goes into a pet home. There just are not enough show homes for a litter. 

We are planning a breeding this Oct with pups to be born in early Dec.  and to leave in med Feb. Contact us for more info at 540-838-1279.


Make sure this is the breed for you.  There is so much information about Basset Hounds that you can search on line, but here we posted the basic information that answers many questions that are put to us from people who plan to purchase a basset.  

We care very much about the breed and strongly suggest you do your research to learn more about this breed before purchasing any Basset puppy.

If you are interested in one of our beautiful pups, contact us and please provide us with info about yourself.

We prefer a call to answer your questions and for you tell us as much as possible about yourself, your reasons for a dog, and why you are interested in this breed.

This allows us to learn more about you as a potential owner of one of our pups.

Is a Basset Hound the dog for me?
Basset Hounds are pack dogs and LOVE to be with you.  How much time can you give your hound?
Where will your hound spend his/her time when you are not around? How patient are you?
The Basset is a loyal dog but they can have their moments of making their own decisions on
matters, such as, "Should I really come now just because my owner is calling me?" Do your research
on this breed first before buying. 

 Do Basset hounds make good family pets?
Basset hounds make wonderful pets for the whole family.  They are wonderful with children of all ages.  However, as always, you should never leave any small child alone with any dog.  They are very affectionate and just want to be loved all the time.  They are loyal and will make good watch dogs without being aggressive.

Do Bassets get along well with other pets?
Since basset hounds are gentle and were bred for hunting in packs, they get along well with other dogs. We have, in the past, brought in adult bassets and when slowly and gently introduced them to our other bassets, they adjusted just fine.  They will get along well other pets, especially if brought in as a puppy and raised with them.  The only times that we have seen aggression in our dogs, is , if there is a female in heat.  The males are then, not very friendly towards eachother and need to be separated from one another during this time.   The other time is during feeding time.  Some bassets are fine with sharing their food with other dogs, but some like their dish to themselves.  They are fine with you touching their food, but, when threatened by another dog stealing their food, they will give them a warning, but, typically , will not fight.
Do Bassets bark a lot?
Bassets like to run and lead active lives.  They are a pack dog and love to be with other dogs. The best place for a basset is in your home with a secured fenced in yard.   But if your Basset must be in a kennel, you should see that he or she gets much socialization along with excerise and that another dog that is a suitable match is kenneled with your Basset.  Bassets love to play with other dogs and this helps with companionship and getting some of their energy out. A frustrated dog, will lash out in barking, and howling,  begging his owner to please notice him and spend time with him.  Make sure you are not getting a dog because of your needs only,  the dog's needs must be considered first.  Getting a dog and then ignoring it's needs and not giving it the proper attention will only create an unwanted problem for yourself and the poor animal.
Are Bassets easy to house train?
Bassets are just as easy or difficult to house train as any other dog.  It really depends on patience and consistency on the owner's part.  It is wise to evaluate how much time you would have to spend with your new pup before getting him/her.  It takes time and patience in house training a Basset, and sometimes it can take up to almost a year.  To start with, I suggest you take the pup out the same door to do his duty immediately everytime he/she wakes up or right after he/she eats.  This is establishing a habit for the pup, of knowing where to go and what surface to go on when he/she needs to go even though your pup may be very young, although we suggest starting him/her with house training no sooner than the age of 12 weeks and praise the pup with excitement and bring him/her back into the house through the same door.  Be patient with your pup during this time.  When a pup is small, he or she cannot control themselves until older.  However, by keeping them on a routine and going in and out the same door, habits are being formed.  If the pup has an accident in the house, it is good to put his nose near the mess and firmly say one word, "bad."  Then proceed to take him to the door and out, even though he had already gone.  When not home it is best to either keep him/her in a crate or blocked off area with newspapers or peepads down along with a soft bed.  Most pups will not wet the area they sleep in. But you should not leave your pup crated all day or alone all day.  If your pup has to be left alone all day, then we strongly suggest not getting a puppy.   Another point in house breaking is - Yelling at your pup or hitting your pup will only scare him or her and can lead to timidity and wetting everytime you try to touch your pup.  Remember..."this too, shall pass"  and eventually, the pup will grow older and will be able to control himself longer.

What  should the size of a Basset be?
Bassets are heavy boned dogs.  They usually will weigh right around 50 - 80 lbs.  They should stand any where from 12 inches to 15 inches tall from the feet to the shoulders.  Females are usually a slight smaller, but not by much.  Bassets may appear to be a small dog, but really are just a short, big dog.  For details on the standard of the breed, check out the site www.akc.org  and click on breeds to find the basset.

Do Bassets drool?
Most bassets do drool.  They are called " wet mouthed" while other bassets do not drool as much are called " dry mouthed".  Bassets tend to drool most when eating, drinking and after a good run.  If you are feeding your basset in the house, a feeding mat is very useful.  It is good to have paper towels around as well.  We have read that one of the common reasons why bassets end up in rescue homes is because they drool.  Some of our bassets are more wet mouthed than our other bassets.  But when you consider the wonderful temperment and loyality along with the love a basset gives the whole family, drooling can be a minor thing.

Does the color of a Basset matter?
The color of a basset does not make any difference in the value of the dog, except, be cautious about buying a "blue" colored basset.  The standard states "any recognizable hound color is acceptable", but it is an undesirable color in the Basset breed. It is a recessive trait resulting in genetically inherited disorders associated with this color. Be cautious of breeders selling "blue" bassets. We have also heard and read that it can mean genetically inherited skin disorders. 

What if my pup all of a sudden has a limp?
Once in awhile a young basset may develope a limp or lameness to one of his limbs.  It can be due to stress.  Activity makes it worse.  This problem is called "Paneosteitis".  The puppy will usually outgrow it by the age of two.  Be aware of this problem.  Most  vets are not aware of this ailment in bassets and will give a wrong diagnosis such as "hip displasia" and "patellar luxation" and therefore will suggest surgery.

Do Bassets shed?
Basset do shed.  It also depends on the coat. Some bassets have a real short, tight coat, while others may have a slightly longer, softer coat.  However, they do not shed as bad as some other breeds.  But with regular brushing, the shedding is not bad.  Bassets don't require regular bathing.  A bath every 2 months is sufficient due to the fact that their coats repel dirt and water well.  Over all, the care of a basset's coat is low maintenance.

Puppy Infomation
Puppies being sold for companion purposes are sold on a limited registration. There is a provision to change this registration should you desire to compete in conformation. You must contact us for further info if you later decide to compete.
You must come here to pick your pup up, we do not ship. If possible we love to have perspective buyers make a visit previously so that we can personally meet you.
All puppies are naturally whelped, unless complications arise, and are handled daily from birth in our home. Our puppies receive all first and second vaccines and regular wormings and are micro-chipped for you to enroll them in AKC Lost Dog Recovery program. We try, with your information, to evaluate the puppies for temperament and conformation to match them to your needs and wants.
We do not sell "breeding" stock. For those serious about competition, please let us know.  A litter may only have a few show prospects. It is not common for a whole litter to be all show quality, however, that does happen.   But reservation in advance is recommended.
If you wish to reserve a puppy, please contact us and we will work with you through the process.  All pups are registered with the “Corkey” prefix and named but you can call them whatever you want.  We strive our best to make sure your puppy is in good health before leaving here. All pups will have been vaccinated appropriately to age, wormed regularly, treated for coccida and guiarda. A shot record will be given to you as part of your puppy packet.
Our breeding/showing Bassets are/and are in the process of genetic testing for Thrombopathia, MPS1, Lafora, and POAG(Peripheral open angle glaucoma). They are and will be cleared of Thrombopathia, Lafora, POAG and MPS1 before breeding. 
